Things I Think Are Funny
My love/hate relationships with orange
Here’s my deal: I adore oranges. I can peel a clementine in seconds and I have yet to meet a type of orange I didn’t like. However, I loathe artificial orange flavors. I hate orange-flavored candy (I used to put all my orange Starbursts in a box outside my dorm room as a free-for-all), I… Continue reading
"The Six Worst Parts of Being Chinese"
I ran across this article on (one of my favorite time-sucking sites) and found it amusingly relatable. It’s hilarious in a politically incorrect way, and some of the things noted, like #2: Chinese Bubbles, are things I actually like about Asian-American culture. You can maybe make a communist joke if your family comes from… Continue reading
The story of Baroque Obama
Last semester, I was studying for a big music history midterm, which focused mainly on the Baroque era. As my roommate and I quizzed each other late into the night, my tired tongue slipped and I asked a question about the “Barack Period” instead of the “Baroque Period.” We laughed at that, and then I… Continue reading