In which I direct your attention to a new project of mine
Am I the worst at blogging? I am the worst at blogging. We are now more than halfway through May and the last time I wrote a post was in March. I’m not sure how this happened, given that I come up with ideas and content for new blog posts all the time—I just never… Continue reading
I’m in the news! (Canadian news!)
So…hey guys! You know that time I totally talked a reporter’s ear off? Well somehow that turned into an article about Equality Within Reach! I’m pretty psyched that site is getting more publicity (particularly cause I’m lazy and I want to spend my energy practicing, working on that album I said was totally going to… Continue reading
Equality Within Reach; what I’ve been up to
It’s struck me that I never got around to blogging about one of the bigger projects I did. (To be fair, I have a veritable mental backlog of projects I want to blog about, except you all know I am terribly, incurably lazy.) This past semester I launched a website devoted to issues of gender… Continue reading