
The adventures, thoughts, and general scrawlings of a classical pianist

Totally Random and Pointless

  • A story about shoes

    I, Sharon, am what is known as a Bad Blogger. I fail to blog frequently not because I have nothing to talk about or no interesting things to report or any deeply original thoughts to share. Over the past several weeks I have thought of about fifteen different things to write about and mustered up… Continue reading

  • Smells I Dig

    I realize that all my posts recently have been kind of personal/down-ish. So let’s break it up with something completely frivolous.  Cold weather seems to emphasize just how wonderful things smell. I already go around smelling everything like a drug-sniffing dog, so I might as well just make a small list of things I’ve been… Continue reading

  • Targeted advertising scares me…

    A few seconds ago, I posted this as my Facebook status: As soon as I hit “post,” I got this ad in my sidebar. Not cool, Facebook. (I have to say that a 44-key piano would be totally useless for me, as I can’t think of a single piece I could play on that small… Continue reading