Totally Random and Pointless
Yipes! I haven’t blogged for nine days. Well, I told you I was going to start slacking once I got back to the US. I haven’t even covered all the stuff from Austria that I wanted to…don’t know if I ever will. Oh well! Actually, this was going to be a real post. Then I… Continue reading
I like to check my website stats for kicks
Seeing my website’s visitor map makes me happy. The other day, I mentioned that someone from Apple checked out my website. This is how I know. Continue reading
On Bookmarks
Bookmarks, for me, are the most useless things ever. Perhaps I should rephrase that. I read a lot, and I have a bad habit of reading up to four novels at once, switching back and forth, and I’m always in need of something to hold my page. My apparent ability to effortlessly memorize numbers clearly… Continue reading