How to Soundproof an Apartment with a Piano; Unsolicited Love Advice
Update June 2019: I’ve written an updated, more thorough post on acoustics and sound mitigation! Please check it out. My dear readers, I bring you an obscenely late blog post with loads of extremely valuable information. For the apartment-dwelling pianists, I’ve got a how-to-esque guide on how to soundproof a door while only slightly violating… Continue reading
A story about shoes
I, Sharon, am what is known as a Bad Blogger. I fail to blog frequently not because I have nothing to talk about or no interesting things to report or any deeply original thoughts to share. Over the past several weeks I have thought of about fifteen different things to write about and mustered up… Continue reading
More Disneyland!
There are more photos from our trip on Bryce’s blog. (We both have blogs! D’aww.) I figured I’d just link to his post instead of poaching all his photos and uploading them all here. (Because, you know, lazy.) Continue reading